So, you have files important to FOCCSP that you would like saved. Great, you’re at the right place.
What files should be saved?
Any document, image or electronic file with relevant information to the Friends of Cloudland Canyon State Park. This includes historical information, financial records, meeting minutes, event-related material and more. If you’re not sure if it should be saved, let’s save it anyway. Computer space is free and you never know what will be helpful in the future.
How should I name the file?
The name of the file is important to help users fine the right document or image. The general guidelines are to use Project-DocumentName-Date when naming the file. The Project is the overall reason for the document. For example, all Trail Maintenance documents should start with the Project Name Trails. If there is a commonly used abbreviation for the event, use it. The Document name is the title or very brief description of the specific file, for example: Meeting Minutes, Bear Creek Trail Map or Agenda could all be appropriate document names. Finally, add a date to the document. You can use either the year the document is relevant to, or the full date. For year, just add the 4-digit year. For the date, use an 8-digit number that represents the year, month and day in that order. For example, May 16, 2017 would be 20170516.
What are some examples of good file names?
Board Meeting Minutes 20170522
MACC Parking Layout 2016
Dade School Field Trip Activities List 20170411